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Writing Across Technology



Writing Across Technology (WAT), is a new initiative for the First Year Writing Program at the University of Connecticut. As technology advances and new channels of communication arise, it is important to adapt to these mediums. Writing does not solely exist in academia anymore. Focusing on that alone will not necessarily help students in the professional field. There is an increasing multiplicity It aims to promote multimodal thinking and experimentation and media literacy in all different forms of writing. This is my pitch for an identity.


“Writing takes many forms;
Writing circulates in the world;
Writing exists for others to read.”

-Writing Across Technology


I took in consideration the different forms that writing can take on: there are verbal, nonverbal, and written cues that writing exists in. Writing exists in social media, podcasts, academia, everyday conversation, etc. It is the driving force to how we communicate with others.

Perspective was another thing I took into account. One of WAT's main goal is to have students walk away with the ability to assess and analyze different types of media, taking into account the the biases and motivation behind it, having students view content and media from multiple perspectives.

Using those two points as foundation, I wanted to create a versatile design that could be viewed from different angles. A hexagon/isometric grid is used as a foundation, and from that, multiple permutations of the W.A.T mark is created, which can also be viewed from different perspectives, building off the notion that writing takes on multiple forms and perspectives, but all share one common theme: it exists for others to read.